Netwerk van relatietherapeuten
  • 5 Love languages

    Sometimes all it takes to overcome communication problems inside a relationship is understanding which relationship language you and your partner prefers.
    There are people that connect more easily when they give or receive words of affirmation. This could be compliments, appreciation, encouragement or even just a listening ear.
    Others register the presence of love when physical touch is involved. Then holding hands, a hug or just a arm around your shoulder can go a long way in connecting with this person.
    Giving and receiving gift is another language of love. It is not about spending a lot of money, is more about gesture that show attention and making the other feel special.
    Then there are those that express love with act of service, fixing what is broken, doing chores and stepping up in general on a more practical way. They take care of things.
    Last but not least is the language of love that requires to spend quality time together. Doing something special, making time, organize the detail as a way to show your partner your love.
    What is your favourite language of love? What is your partner's? Check with each other is you both know each other love language.

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